Do you realize how much of an influence books, blogs, music, and movies have in your life?
Choose a book, you choose a mentor.
Music leads our hearts to meditate on the lyrics, the the meditations of your heart man’s words and opinions, or truths that set you free and challenge you in the theology of how you live?
Many don’t necessarily think of books or blogs as being mentors, but in some regards they are.
While there is no comparison to meeting in real life with someone who knows you personally, books and blogs can have just as much impact on you, sometimes even more. There are certain seasons in an individual’s life where they may not have the time to be meeting regularly with a mentor. Utilizing technology can be another way for you to grow and learn.
That being said, we need to be discerning as to whom we are reading as much as we are at Choosing a Mentor. We need to be careful to filter all things through the Word of God.
But in order to filter all things through the Word of God, you need to be in it.
Reading, meditating, memorizing, and praying for God to bring the recollection of scripture to your mind at the appropriate time. So that, “you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2
Recognize that authors and writers are human people just like yourself, don’t put them on a pedestal. Only God deserves being put on a pedestal.
“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” Exodus 20:3-5
I have seen good Christian people, with good intentions, seeking God’s best for their lives, fall to this kind of sin, breaking the first and second commandments. Not purposefully mind you, but by way of over admiring leaders so much that they fail to look to God for truth.
They quote man’s words often, but not the Bible.
There are many deep thinking, challenging authors to glean wisdom from, and in the Christian world, we need to be careful in understanding who really deserves the Glory for the work that has been done inside the heart of the author. It is not their own wisdom, but that of the Lord’s given to them by God, because of a deep pursuit they had for Him.
One of the Tips I have taught my children and hold myself accountable to is this: Keep track of how much you are reading Man’s words in comparison to God’s Word. Keep it in perspective.
I have witnessed that the hearts of my children, as well as my own, are affected by what they read as much as who they hang out wither what they watch {shows or movies}.
If they read too much of man’s words and not enough of God’s Word, their attitudes change. And mine do as well.
One suggestion I have used with my children in teaching them how to be aware and alert for how influences are affecting them is to evaluate how much of man’s words they are reading vs. God’s Word. And to try to keep it in a healthy balance, so as not to be influenced by worldly standards or views.
You too, can experience God speaking to you through the scriptures, just as an author that is leading you through an inductive study of scripture.
You do not NEED to go to others all the time. In fact, God wants us to go to Him first. He is the real expert on everything, since He created it all. Only in Him can we count on getting the perfect wisdom. While good books can give you examples of ways to be more loving to your husband or be a better mom, don’t ever let reading other things take the place of reading the Word of God and communing with Him.
Have you ever read a book or a blog post and had that feeling deep down in your gut, you know, the convicting one? At first you are reading thinking, “this is good… I really needed this message today.” But then pride may set in a little bit, you begin looking for SOMETHING, anything the author might have written that you can disagree with so that you can throw the baby out with the bath water. I’ve done it before. Just being real.
There is a sufficiency in scripture that cannot be thwarted.
There is a confidence that comes in reading the scriptures. It is not mere man’s opinion. There is a flawlessness behind the principles, the truth, and wisdom God teaches in His Word, you can’t find error. It isn’t there. Therefor, when you come upon scripture which is convicting, you cannot fight it with mere human pettiness of fault finding and justification.
This is why it is essential to make sure we are in the Word. So we can accept correction, rebuke and exhortation regularly, daily, being restored to a deep intimacy with the One true mentor.
As you read and glean from others, look to Him who is the TRUE and ONLY AUTHOR and Profector of our FAITH– Jesus Christ. To Him Be the Glory Forever and Ever Amen!
Let’s keep a good perspective as we glean reading. Let it challenge you, engage you, but if the reading doesn’t ultimately bring you closer to God, then re-think if you should be reading it now or reading the Word.
Challenge yourself to allow God to speak through those in the church who have been given the gift of prophesy. Allow teachers, to teach God’s wisdom and receive the instruction–yes, filtering through the Word of God, but not from a skeptical heart attitude, but from an attitude of unity and love for truth. Don’t allow yourself to read something convicting and then not receive the exhortation. Much of what we read in the way of Christian non-fiction is exhortation and training.
When you purchase a book, recognize you are choosing a mentor. And just as some are called to teach and train, some are called to exhort, some to encourage and edify, and some to rebuke and correct.
If you haven’t read the other posts in this series here are a few:
- Where are the Titus 2 Men & Women Podcast by Courageous Parenting
- Choosing a Mentor Requires Humility: Part 4
- Look at the Fruit in their Life: Choosing a Mentor Part 3
- Who Has God Put in Your Life: Choosing a Mentor Part 2
- 3 Tips to Choosing a Mentor Wisely: Part 1
To view all the posts in this series on Choosing a Mentor Wisely Click here: Mentoring