Hear me out please. I am was going to share an article on epidurals in this post, but then I realized how very easy it is for you to simply google any article yourself. In fact, it is your responsibility to gain knowledge, both pros and cons, in making a decision regarding your health and your babies. I do not feel called to teach these pros and cons, there are many out there who are already doing that. You need to desire the knowledge and seek it out. Instead, I do feel called to share with you some of my heart on the issue of idols with regard to either decision… to have an epidural or not to.
PLEASE do not misunderstand my intentions in sharing this! Assume the best of your sister in Christ here… ok. I am not attributing getting or not getting an epi to anything spiritual at all. I never have. HOWEVER, I do feel there is a need to exhort you as a sister in the Lord, because I believe someone needs to speak out on this, which I try to in the Book “Redeeming Childbirth.”
1.) It is our responsibility to get educated, to make educated decisions with regard to caring for our bodies. If you are pregnant and are considering an epidural, please do your research. Don’t just take a doctors word for it, because there are a lot of opinions out there. I believe since we (most of us) were raised in a culture that puts a higher respect on knowledge or expertise backed by a degree, we can easily forget to ask questions, especially when what we are hearing soothes our fear or justifies our wants. Let’s be independent thinkers that ask questions recognizing that often times there are at least two sides to every perspective. Then use discernment and grace in making our decisions, knowing that the Lord will not withhold grace from us as we make mistakes or have regrets along the road called life.
2.) There is a temptation for sin on BOTH SIDES of this issue.
For those who DON’T get an epidural, the temptation for sin can land in them being judgmental of others who do, becoming prideful in their own decision, ability and knowledge. BE WARNED. BE CAREFUL you DO NOT MAKE AN IDOL OUT OF NATURAL CHILDBIRTH.
For those who DO get an epidural, the temptation for sin would also be in the matter of the heart, to be judgmental of those who don’t, and to make an idol out of an epidural or a doctor.
For many women, they find a false sense of security in the epidural. Because of their decision to have an epidural they can, they can rest assured, that unless something terrible goes wrong {and what are the odds of that?}, they will not have to experience as much pain as they would without the epidural. Obviously, this is true, otherwise women wouldn’t get them. If what they promise {pain free or less painful birth}, wasn’t what they offered, no one would get them. Right?
Why do I say a false sense of security? Because our only security should be in Christ, in all things: Childbirth, unemployment, health issues, trials of any kind, or prosperity in any form. Again don’t mistake me, I am not saying that getting an epidural is a sin. I am NOT saying that. I don’t believe that. What I am saying is that we need to examine our intentions in this just as we would any decision in life. Amen?
Let me repeat myself so there is NO confusion. Am I saying that all women who get an epidural are in sin? That they are making an idol out of epidurals? Or have found a sense of security from the promise that comes with the decision to get one?
Let me say this loudly, a few times even… No