My husband and I were on a date a few weeks ago, and we decided to spend some time going through our calendars, getting caught up.
We don’t usually do this sort of thing on dates, and my husband would probably tell you he wasn’t really excited about the idea of going through our calendars, but once we began talking through it, I told him, “This is really helpful for me to know when I am going to need to be more supportive.”
We realized something in that moment. While many couples utilize ical or other calendar apps to sync their schedules which is greatly helpful for knowing one another’s schedules, something critical can get missed. If the only communication used for “scheduling” is an automated device, often times vision is not conveyed to the wife, and a key element of “team” perspective is missing.
As Isaac and I talk through what he is going to be doing on his trips, who he was going to be meeting with and what the point of the meeting was, the more of a team member I felt. As we were talking and Isaac was showing a three-week period where he would be out-of-town a lot, my response was, well at least now I know where I need to be more supportive. As we talked about it he got excited to share his schedule with me. As soon as he realized, she will be more supportive if she can prepare her heart and home to be more supportive in these times, then he was all game for talking about calendars. In talking through really busy times, we can purpose to plan family times, small vacations and outings that we as the family can look forward to. Planning those helps us to be more supportive, looking forward to something instead of constantly dreading the whole season.
As we were talking through all of this, it dawned on me in that moment, this is critical for couples.
Taking the time to communicate and actually talk through the calendar, the people, the needs of the people, etc… helps to know how to be praying for him on a day-to-day basis. I deeply believe in the power of a praying wife. I believe that especially for women who are going through a season where their husband is working more, knowing how to be praying for them helps to feel connected. It makes me feel more like part of his team just by praying for him.
Are you interested in who your husband is meeting with and why?
This can be a simple way for you to show your support and even get your children involved in praying for your husband as well. My children love knowing what is going on with daddy’s businesses and how to be praying for him. They often ask him how his meeting was or how his day went, because they had invested an interest in him, what he is doing and the people Isaac is connecting with. They feel part of the team as well; which greatly contributes to an easier home atmosphere while daddy is gone.
Every couple is so different, but it is fun to try new things, to spice up life.
If you don’t already spend time going over your calendar with your husband so that you can partner up with him as a prayer warrior, I challenge you to this. Talking through three-month or one month, what ever works best for your marriage, is extremely helpful in creating a more supportive heart attitude.
Come prepared ready to write down some notes of what to pray for,
Maybe even in your schedule so you are praying for him while he is in a meeting. I know I feel more connected with my husband and am way less likely to miss him the more I am connected to him in spirit. I pray you experience a purposeful team focus in your marriage, however that look for you!