If any of you follow me on social media, you have probably seen me share about the online biblical study, Redeeming the Division: The Quiet Fight Between Women. Well we just revised it and it is now called, The Christian Woman’s Guide to Building Authentic & Intentional Friendships.
Exciting News
Over the past year, we have had over 500 women go through the Bible study individually and in small groups. The testimonies are beautiful and bring joy to my heart, to hear of how God has been using this to restore His daughters!
Why am I so passionate about this topic? And why you should be too?
If you were to ask someone who writes about a specific issue and ask them why they were driven to do what they do, or write what they write, most people would eventually conclude that it comes down to two things: calling and personal conviction from experience.
A mentor of mine once told me that we are given authority over that which attempts to control us, or tempts us to sin.
I have experienced struggles with female friendships in many different seasons over the years. When I was younger it was more prompted by the comparison trap, though I know many women struggle there regardless of age!
Since that first personal struggle, about 15 years ago, I have had it on my mind and heart to set out to bring the Lord glory in all things, but especially to partner with Him in redeeming the ugly and hard trials, sufferings, mistakes, and sins I have committed and experienced first hand.
In no way do I view myself as flawless. In fact, I am most hard on myself because I’m so aware of my sins. I am still on this journey of learning what it means to love and view myself the way God does: as holy, beloved, chosen, and a beautiful daughter of the King, because, you see, the Enemy doesn’t want us to believe these truths.
The enemy wants us to feel the weight and ugliness of our sin, and sometimes we allow others the power to have influence over how we view ourselves. We allow others’ accusations and judgments of us to permanently scar our view of ourselves.
This struggle has been the story of my life. It started as a little girl when a boy I had a crush on told people I had big ears. I was forever scarred by the belief that I had big ears and tried to hide them. Then there was the time I moved and changed schools, struggled to make friends and the girls’ glances not only scarred me, but made me feel inferior. The funny thing is that as you grow up, these conflicts still occur and they hurt just as much, don’t they?
People often assume things, make judgements based upon what they see on the outside.
For example, many make the conclusion that if you have many children, you must think everyone should. Or if you homeschool, you must think everyone should.
Those assumptions are not only not true, but completely judgemental.
In fact, I believe that the enemy is laughing at us. He doesn’t even have to work very hard to get us working against each other, let alone working as a team. We, as women, even in the Church, are so divided on so many issues, that we can’t do what we are called to do as the Church, be a light and make disciples for Christ!
So what is this course about?
The course is entitled The Quiet Fight Between Women, which exposes the problem we have today. And the heading, Redeeming the Division reveals the solution. Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.
The definition of redeem is powerful: to reclaim and to take back.
I truly believe that God is broken hearted over the division among women in His family. It breaks His fatherly heart just as it would break your heart or mine if our children were divided. And the Redeemer I know and love, would deeply desire to redeem your relationships, too.
It is Jesus who heals relationships.
It is in Him that we should find our identity and, it is by the power of His Holy Spirit that hearts are transformed and relationships can grow. But we have a responsibility to partner with Him. To recognize our sin, our nature, and how we have contributed to this division among women and partner with Him through repentance and cultivating unity, love, and acceptance.
There is a need for us to willingly partner with Christ in what only He can redeem. Click2Tweet
What is an online Bible study or course like?
There are many online courses out there. And if you have ever taken an E-course, you might have an impression in your mind.
What I have created is an innovative and engaging online Bible Study, and we have designed the architecture of this study with the busy woman in mind so that you can consume all the content at your own pace where ever you are, either on your computer or mobile device.
What is in the course?
- 28 teaching videos
- Written content
- An opportunity to share with me what you are learning through personal communication
- Infographics
- Prayers
- Challenges and exercises to encourage growth
- Downloadable journal questions that can be printed or written directly into on your computer
- An online forum on Facebook
All content is organized into 9 units, which you can go through at your own pace!
Can groups go through the course?
I am so excited to hear what you think!
Shoot me an email and share your story with me at [email protected]!
Would join me in redeeming the division among women?
Share this post with your friends and sign up for the online Bible Study at CourageousMomAcademy.com!